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Hi, I'm Kelly!
Creating music, and helping others
create music, makes me incredibly joyful.

Music has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. I saw my first musical at age seven, and immediately decided: "I'm going to do this when I grow up."
I'm happy to report that my seven year old self was right (kind of.)
I received my BFA in Musical Theatre with a Minor in Piano Performance and a Minor in Vocal Performance from Shenandoah Conservatory. I moved to New York City, and hit the pavement for about 8 years. It was a wonderfully wild ride of auditions and gigs, excitements and disappointments.
Then, I booked the job that changed everything...the International Tour of HAIR.
Don't get me wrong, it was awesome. A bucket list show, plus world travel, plus I got to experience it all with a group of wonderful people? Yes please! However, when the tour ended, I felt a deep shift.
I had an inexplicable feeling that theatre would never be the same for me again.​
I started focusing on other music opportunities such as music directing, accompanying, teaching voice, and singing backup for a few NYC rock bands. I realized that my childhood dream had evolved into something else, which brought up a LOT of feelings.
I didn't know what to do with all of these feelings, so I decided try writing them down. Slowly, my writing started to shift from freeform scribbles to structured lines, some even in verse!
Something new had been unleashed inside me, yet it somehow felt familiar. Like it had been waiting there for me all along to live my life so I have the stories to tell, and the tools to tell them.
I believe that being a songwriter is an ever-evolving journey, and that songwriting will find you just when you need it. My mission is to share the beauty of song, and empower others to channel their stories through music.
I look forward to the stories still to come, and the music yet to be made!
Select Credits...
HAIR, National/International Tour
Life of an Actress, Feature Film
Ella Enchanted, MTI Composers Forum
A few favorites...
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